Friday 25 November 2011


Scene: Interior. Text appears on-screen, introducing the second chapter while thunder and lightning can be heard in the background. The screen dips to white and fades into a mid-shot; the camera pans down to show an unconscious Akira laying on the floor.
- Extreme Close-up shot; Akira's eye opens. Fade to mid-shot; Akira gets up and composes himself as he looks at the door. Cut to mid-shot; Akira looks through the door's window. Cut to close-up shot; Akira looks around as the camera gradually zooms in. Cut to black. -
Lucifer - Hahahaha....(Cut to mid-shot; Akira slowly backs away from the door.) Oh come on, you don't have to be so cautious now. (Cut to wide-shot; Akira backs up towards the edge of the staircase and grips onto the railing, looking around, confused.) Besides, you should be thanking me...I just happened to buy you enough time to go ask that bitch out.
Akira – (Cut to low-angle mid-shot.) What?! You can't go around teleporting people like that! (Hand gestures, as if he is throwing a tantrum.) It's not Doctor Who!
Lucifer – (Akira looks around.) Now now, you and I both know that it would have taken you're slow-ass forever to ride that bike of yours to get to this dump. I merely took the shortcut...(cut to close-up shot; Akira angrily looks on.) Okay. 
Lucifer – (Cut close-up shot; Lucifer opens his eyes. The camera cuts to different angles of his eyes.) Now, don't go acting like a smart ass. All I ask for in return, is you're sincere cooperation (Lucifer's eyes widen.).
Akira - Woah, woah, hang on, "Lucy". There's no (Does an air quote with his fingers.) "us". It's just me.
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's right eye.) Now, you better pray, that I don't have to remind you this again...the name...(the screen fades to black.) Lucifer.
Dip to white as a sound effect plays; Akira grabs onto his head in pain, he crouches and the camera cuts to a wide-shot. Akira manages to stumble towards a wall. -
Akira - (Leaning with his back against the wall.) Okay, okay. Alright! Alright!
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's eye.) Never call me by that name again.
Akira - (Cut to mid-shot; Akira is rubbing the back  of his head.) Ah, that one hurt. You're tough. (Looks up.) Anyway, since we're working together now, can I ask for a favour?
Lucifer - What the hell do you want?
Akira - Can you get me some chocolates please? Some good ones?
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's eye, he tilts his head to the left, putting both of his eyes in view.) What do you need THAT for?
Akira - (Cut to extreme close-up of Akira's mouth, he smiles.) Heh. You're about to find out.

- The screen fades to black. Text appears on the screen; '15 Minutes Later'. A new music track starts to play in the background. The screen dips to white, dissolving into a close-up shot of Akira's hand opening a door. It cuts to a wide-shot as Akira walks out the door and down the hallway. The screen cross dissolves into a wide-shot; Flash opens the double doors and walks ahead, off-screen and the screen cross dissolves to a wide-shot of Akira walking down the hallway. -

Scene: Interior. Akira continues to walk down the hallway but is intercepted and knocked out by Flash. The screen dips to white and fades into a close-up shot; Rebecca puts the box of chocolates down on the table. Cut to close-up shot; Akira taps his foot on the ground, impatiently. Cut to close-up shot; Rebecca puts a piece of chocolate in her mouth. Cross-cut to the next shot; Akira gulps nervously. Cut to close-up extreme close-up of Rebecca's lips; she smiles. Cross-cut to next shot; Akira looks up in surprise.

Rebecca - (Cut to mid-shot.) Yes I will go out with you.

Akira - (Dissolve into wide-shot.) Really?! (Akira walks over to Rebecca, and she jumps forward and embraces him.)

Rebecca - (Dissolve to close-up shot; Akira and Rebecca continue to embrace. Cut to mid-shot; Rebecca's moves out of the embrace.) You need to wake up now...

Akira - (Cut to close-up over the shoulder shot; Akira thinks for a second. Cut to mid-shot Kai starts to back away from Rebecca.) What are you talking about?! (Akira moves to the right off-screen. Cut to mid-shot; he continuess to back away towards the door. Cut to mid-shot of
Rebecca with her head down. Cut to extreme close-up; Akira's eye widens with shock

Lucifer - (Cut to mid-shot; Rebecca slowly looks up.) You need to wake up now.

Akira - (Cut to close-up shot of Akira's face)....Lucifer!
Scene End

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