Wednesday 9 November 2011


The main influence for my film is the japanese horror manga and later film, 'Devilman'. This was the main influence I drew ideas from when it came to the creation and development of my main protagonist, Akira Fudo (named after the main protagonist of the series). My incarnation of the character will have some similar traits to the 'Devilman' counterpart; kind and modest, but one difference is that he is quick to insult others if given the chance. The situations the two are in are simultaneously similar and different from one another; both are granted demonic powers but under different circumstances. In 'Devilman', Akira was given a choice whether or not he takes the powers, and after willingly taking the powers, sets out to stop Lucifer from destroying mankind. The Akira in my imagined feature has the powers unknowingly bestowed on him, and he is tasked with helping to bring about the destruction of mankind.

 One of the main influences for my film's plot is 'Carrie' (Brian De Palma, US, 1976); with one of the main plot points in my film revolving around a female character with psychic powers. Rebecca's character also borrows some characteristics from the original Carrie character; both have been abused throughout their lives because of their powers. Both are generally kind-hearted characters. The one thing that seperates the two, is that Rebecca's kind-heartedness is merely a facade (refer to the Characters post) Even though I will not be able to show fully, Rebecca's personality traits, I felt that this film really helped in the creation and development of her character.

My sequence will take a certain aspect from the film 'The Incredible Hulk' (Louis Leterrier, US, 2008), in the beginning of my sequence; text will appear onscreen, 'days without incident', then the number count. In the Incredible Hulk, this was used to tell the audience how many days Bruce Banner has gone through without transforming into the Hulk. In my film this will be used to tell the audience how many days have passed in Kai's life where demon powers weren't used; in the case of my sequence, the days of incident will be set to zero. I intend to parody the 'Kill Bill' film series in my sequence; the plot in these two films are split into 'chapters', the number and title of each chapter appear on screen before the next sequence begins; the beginning of my sequence begins with text showing the chapter number and the title of the chapter.

As with conventional horror films it would feature Oblique/Canted camera angles
Sometimes the camera is tilted (ie is not placed horizontal to floor level), to suggest imbalance, transition and instability. This technique is used to suggest POINT-OF-View shots (ie when the camera becomes the 'eyes' of one particular character,seeing what they see — a hand held camera is often used for this, there are also high angle shots which make the subject seem less powerful; these are often used in horror films to show the protagonist/victim off as vulnerable, which in most cases, they are. I could also incorporate a shot using a shaky-camera.

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