Friday 25 November 2011


Lucifer - Hahahaha....Oh come on, you don't have to be so cautious now. Besides, you should be thanking me...I just happened to buy you enough time to go ask that bitch out.
Akira – What?! You can't go around teleporting people like that!  It's not Doctor Who!
Lucifer – Now now, you and I both know that it would have taken you're slow-ass forever to ride that bike of yours to get to this dump. I merely took the shortcut...Okay. 
Lucifer – Now, don't go acting like a smart ass. All I ask for in return, is you're sincere cooperation...
Akira - Woah, woah, hang on, "Lucy". There's no "us". It's just me.
Lucifer - Now, you better pray, that I don't have to remind you this again...the Lucifer.
                                              Akira - Okay, okay. Alright! Alright!
Lucifer - Never call me by that name again.
Akira - Ah, that one hurt. You're tough. Anyway, since we're working together now, can I ask for a favour?
Lucifer - What the hell do you want?
Akira - Can you get me some chocolates please? Some good ones?
Lucifer -  What do you need THAT for?
Akira - Heh. You're about to find out.
Rebecca - Yes I will go out with you.

Akira - Really?!

Rebecca - You need to wake up now...

Akira - What are you talking about?!
Lucifer - You need to wake up now.
Akira - ....Lucifer!


Scene: Interior. Text appears on-screen, introducing the second chapter while thunder and lightning can be heard in the background. The screen dips to white and fades into a mid-shot; the camera pans down to show an unconscious Akira laying on the floor.
- Extreme Close-up shot; Akira's eye opens. Fade to mid-shot; Akira gets up and composes himself as he looks at the door. Cut to mid-shot; Akira looks through the door's window. Cut to close-up shot; Akira looks around as the camera gradually zooms in. Cut to black. -
Lucifer - Hahahaha....(Cut to mid-shot; Akira slowly backs away from the door.) Oh come on, you don't have to be so cautious now. (Cut to wide-shot; Akira backs up towards the edge of the staircase and grips onto the railing, looking around, confused.) Besides, you should be thanking me...I just happened to buy you enough time to go ask that bitch out.
Akira – (Cut to low-angle mid-shot.) What?! You can't go around teleporting people like that! (Hand gestures, as if he is throwing a tantrum.) It's not Doctor Who!
Lucifer – (Akira looks around.) Now now, you and I both know that it would have taken you're slow-ass forever to ride that bike of yours to get to this dump. I merely took the shortcut...(cut to close-up shot; Akira angrily looks on.) Okay. 
Lucifer – (Cut close-up shot; Lucifer opens his eyes. The camera cuts to different angles of his eyes.) Now, don't go acting like a smart ass. All I ask for in return, is you're sincere cooperation (Lucifer's eyes widen.).
Akira - Woah, woah, hang on, "Lucy". There's no (Does an air quote with his fingers.) "us". It's just me.
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's right eye.) Now, you better pray, that I don't have to remind you this again...the name...(the screen fades to black.) Lucifer.
Dip to white as a sound effect plays; Akira grabs onto his head in pain, he crouches and the camera cuts to a wide-shot. Akira manages to stumble towards a wall. -
Akira - (Leaning with his back against the wall.) Okay, okay. Alright! Alright!
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's eye.) Never call me by that name again.
Akira - (Cut to mid-shot; Akira is rubbing the back  of his head.) Ah, that one hurt. You're tough. (Looks up.) Anyway, since we're working together now, can I ask for a favour?
Lucifer - What the hell do you want?
Akira - Can you get me some chocolates please? Some good ones?
Lucifer - (Cut to close-up shot of Lucifer's eye, he tilts his head to the left, putting both of his eyes in view.) What do you need THAT for?
Akira - (Cut to extreme close-up of Akira's mouth, he smiles.) Heh. You're about to find out.

- The screen fades to black. Text appears on the screen; '15 Minutes Later'. A new music track starts to play in the background. The screen dips to white, dissolving into a close-up shot of Akira's hand opening a door. It cuts to a wide-shot as Akira walks out the door and down the hallway. The screen cross dissolves into a wide-shot; Flash opens the double doors and walks ahead, off-screen and the screen cross dissolves to a wide-shot of Akira walking down the hallway. -

Scene: Interior. Akira continues to walk down the hallway but is intercepted and knocked out by Flash. The screen dips to white and fades into a close-up shot; Rebecca puts the box of chocolates down on the table. Cut to close-up shot; Akira taps his foot on the ground, impatiently. Cut to close-up shot; Rebecca puts a piece of chocolate in her mouth. Cross-cut to the next shot; Akira gulps nervously. Cut to close-up extreme close-up of Rebecca's lips; she smiles. Cross-cut to next shot; Akira looks up in surprise.

Rebecca - (Cut to mid-shot.) Yes I will go out with you.

Akira - (Dissolve into wide-shot.) Really?! (Akira walks over to Rebecca, and she jumps forward and embraces him.)

Rebecca - (Dissolve to close-up shot; Akira and Rebecca continue to embrace. Cut to mid-shot; Rebecca's moves out of the embrace.) You need to wake up now...

Akira - (Cut to close-up over the shoulder shot; Akira thinks for a second. Cut to mid-shot Kai starts to back away from Rebecca.) What are you talking about?! (Akira moves to the right off-screen. Cut to mid-shot; he continuess to back away towards the door. Cut to mid-shot of
Rebecca with her head down. Cut to extreme close-up; Akira's eye widens with shock

Lucifer - (Cut to mid-shot; Rebecca slowly looks up.) You need to wake up now.

Akira - (Cut to close-up shot of Akira's face)....Lucifer!
Scene End

Thursday 24 November 2011


Filming will commence on Friday, November 24th; the filiming will focus on the beginning of the sequence. The screenplay and script will be uploaded on the same day. The off-screen dialogue for Lucifer will be recorded in the following week.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Update; Cast & Props

For my sequence, Karim Skalli has been cast for the role of Akira and Emily Worsnop will be playing the role of Rebecca. I myself will be playing the role of Lucifer, but mostly as an off-screen voice. Zachery Colby will be playing the minor role of Flash Thompson. The current cast proceedings are as follows;

Cast in order of appearance:
Karim Skalli - Akira Fudo
Klien Gestre - Lucifer (voice-over and onscreen)
Emily Worsnop - Rebecca Chambers
Zachery Colby - Flash Thompson
The prop(s) which I will use for this sequenceis a box of Cadbury Milk Tray chocolates.


The main influence for my film is the japanese horror manga and later film, 'Devilman'. This was the main influence I drew ideas from when it came to the creation and development of my main protagonist, Akira Fudo (named after the main protagonist of the series). My incarnation of the character will have some similar traits to the 'Devilman' counterpart; kind and modest, but one difference is that he is quick to insult others if given the chance. The situations the two are in are simultaneously similar and different from one another; both are granted demonic powers but under different circumstances. In 'Devilman', Akira was given a choice whether or not he takes the powers, and after willingly taking the powers, sets out to stop Lucifer from destroying mankind. The Akira in my imagined feature has the powers unknowingly bestowed on him, and he is tasked with helping to bring about the destruction of mankind.

 One of the main influences for my film's plot is 'Carrie' (Brian De Palma, US, 1976); with one of the main plot points in my film revolving around a female character with psychic powers. Rebecca's character also borrows some characteristics from the original Carrie character; both have been abused throughout their lives because of their powers. Both are generally kind-hearted characters. The one thing that seperates the two, is that Rebecca's kind-heartedness is merely a facade (refer to the Characters post) Even though I will not be able to show fully, Rebecca's personality traits, I felt that this film really helped in the creation and development of her character.

My sequence will take a certain aspect from the film 'The Incredible Hulk' (Louis Leterrier, US, 2008), in the beginning of my sequence; text will appear onscreen, 'days without incident', then the number count. In the Incredible Hulk, this was used to tell the audience how many days Bruce Banner has gone through without transforming into the Hulk. In my film this will be used to tell the audience how many days have passed in Kai's life where demon powers weren't used; in the case of my sequence, the days of incident will be set to zero. I intend to parody the 'Kill Bill' film series in my sequence; the plot in these two films are split into 'chapters', the number and title of each chapter appear on screen before the next sequence begins; the beginning of my sequence begins with text showing the chapter number and the title of the chapter.

As with conventional horror films it would feature Oblique/Canted camera angles
Sometimes the camera is tilted (ie is not placed horizontal to floor level), to suggest imbalance, transition and instability. This technique is used to suggest POINT-OF-View shots (ie when the camera becomes the 'eyes' of one particular character,seeing what they see — a hand held camera is often used for this, there are also high angle shots which make the subject seem less powerful; these are often used in horror films to show the protagonist/victim off as vulnerable, which in most cases, they are. I could also incorporate a shot using a shaky-camera.

Friday 4 November 2011

Story Type

The story type for my film is 'the Quest'; where the character is set a task to find someone or something. He accepts this challenge, searches for and finds the someone or something. He is then either rewarded, or not, for his success in his quest.