Tuesday 3 April 2012

Audience Feedback

Here are a few examples of the audience feedback I was given back, in response to my sequence. It is evident from most of the feedback I was given, that I had achieved my primary aim; to show the audience how much power the antagonist has over the protagonist. The third question in the sheet relates back to my primary aim; "Out of the two characters, who is controlling who? The main protagonist, Akira? " Or the antagonist, Lucifer?" The response to this question was essentially unanimous, as my audience was able to identify that the antagonist Lucifer was in control.  However, there was one viewer(refer to the sheet shown at the top of the page), who thought that Lucifer was at first in control, but towards the end of the sequence, it is made clear that Akira is now in control. In terms of any suggested improvements from the audience, it was only the lowered volume of the character's voices compared to the music which proved to be a minor issue. There were however, varied responses as to what genre the sequence falls into. From the sheets which are shown here; one viewer identified the genre to be psychological thriller/horror, another identified it as an action/comedy and another identified it as a sci-fi thriller. The intended genre which I wanted the sequence to be identified with was horror comedy. This is what I feel is, the main flaw of my sequence, as the audience cannot easily or even actually identify which genre the sequence fits into.

Despite those setbacks, overall reception was positive, quite a few viewers had stated that they enjoyed the music used for my sequence.

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