Monday 5 March 2012

Concepts and Ideas Update 3: Akira's visual perception

Akira, as a character, can be seen as a regular teenager who is thrust into an absurd situation. I also wanted to show that unlike regular people; Akira does not see the world the way we do. He has a special kind of colour-blindness; not the actual deficiency per se, but he chooses not to acknowledge anything which doesn't bear any particular interest to him, and to achieve this, I changed the colour scheme within the mise en scene to match how Akira views his surroundings; which will be shown in black and white. If anything of interest or immediate danger comes within his field of vision then the colour would come back. An example of this concepts can be seen in the extract of my sequence shown on the video above; the shots involving Akira are in black in white, this is to signal that there is nothing of particular interest to him. The shots involving Flash are, in contrast, in full colour. It is only when Flash approaches him, that Akira's surroundings are returned to full colour, a second or two before being knocked out by Flash.

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