Friday 30 March 2012

Audience Feedback Sheet Layout

This is the layout of the sheet which people will need to fill out to give feedback on my sequence. Questions include general things such as the applicant's gender, and age. The main questions includes a question asking the applicant whether the narrative was easy to follow or not, and if not, why. The second question asks the applicant what genre the sequence falls into; he/she can give reasons why it would fall into said genre, if they wish. The third question asks the applicant who is in control, the antagonist or the protagonist, this question relates back to my aims and context. The final question asks the applicant whether or not they enjoyed my sequence, and if there are any improvements which could be made to it.

Edit Log

This is the edit log which I used for my project; I have included details regarding the date the camera was booked, how long I used it for and what it what used to film. I also included details regarding, the dates in which I used the edit suite, the amount of time I used the suite for and what I had done during this time.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Finished Film Sequence

This is the finished version of the extended sequence from my imagined feature film; 'Devil Within'. Some noticeable changes have been made to the sequence, such as:
-The inter-titles which introduce each of the characters have been removed.
- The first shot is quicker, with no camera jerk.
- Minor shot changes to the walking scene.
- one minute and ten seconds worth of footage have been added which includes; the rest of the possession scene, and the ending to the sequence (which includes the use of some effects created in Adobe After Effects).

Friday 23 March 2012

Film Sequence Version 01

This is the first version of my film sequence. Since this the first completed version, some of the proposed changes are not present within the video, instead they will be present in the final version, which will be uploaded in a few days

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Soundtrack update 3

For the final shots of Rebecca's possession scene, I chose to have "Demise" from the Rengoku video game series as the background music, rather than "Cantata Mortis & God in fire" as with the previous soundtrack update. I feel that this track will help bring the 'eerie' feeling to the scene which I am hoping to achieve, through its constant and sinister tone.

Concepts and Ideas Update 4: Name change

I opted to have the name of the main protagonist changed. Kai Kurosaki is now Akira Fudo. I chose to change the name as I felt that the character's mannerisms and the circumstances he is in are quite similar to the fictional character of the same name. The Devilman manga is one of the main influences for the development of my film's plot and the development of my main protagonist and I felt that naming the main protagonist after the protagonist of this manga could be one of the homages I make to other horror franchises. The script, screenplay and other relating posts will be edited to have the new name included. The first version of the sequence will still have the original name present.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Shots Redone

The clip above is the original opening shot for my film sequence. It has been noted that the camera jerks right towards the end of the shot. I also think that the shot goes at a slow pace, so I re-shot it completely;

This is the new opening shot I plan to use for the final version of my film. The camera tilts significantly faster than the original and the camera does not jerk.

Friday 9 March 2012

Filming Update

The fourth shoot, which will be for the shots which need to be redone for the film will commence on Wednesday, March 14th. New location photos will be taken on the day as well.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Film Sequence; shots which need to be redone part 02

This is another shot of my sequence; the final shot of the current version of my film. Akira realizes that Lucifer is in control. The only problem with the actual shot can be seen in the background; the door of the other class is closing shut.

Monday 5 March 2012

Concepts and Ideas Update 3: Akira's visual perception

Akira, as a character, can be seen as a regular teenager who is thrust into an absurd situation. I also wanted to show that unlike regular people; Akira does not see the world the way we do. He has a special kind of colour-blindness; not the actual deficiency per se, but he chooses not to acknowledge anything which doesn't bear any particular interest to him, and to achieve this, I changed the colour scheme within the mise en scene to match how Akira views his surroundings; which will be shown in black and white. If anything of interest or immediate danger comes within his field of vision then the colour would come back. An example of this concepts can be seen in the extract of my sequence shown on the video above; the shots involving Akira are in black in white, this is to signal that there is nothing of particular interest to him. The shots involving Flash are, in contrast, in full colour. It is only when Flash approaches him, that Akira's surroundings are returned to full colour, a second or two before being knocked out by Flash.