Friday 9 December 2011


Akira Fudo - The 17-year-old protagonist of the story. He is quite modest and generally kind, but he is also quick insult others given the right moment. Because Lucifer's existence resides within him, he is granted access to his powers and is now tasked with locating Lucifer's real body, and help bring about the apocalypse.

Rebecca Chambers - One of the lead protagonists, later main antagonist. A beautiful girl who is considered to be the college's idol. Her outer appearance and mannerisms are a facade; from a young age she had developed  psionic powers & due to constant bullying & harrasment from peers; her mind is unstable. She is the original intended 'vessel' for Lucifer; she is the leader of a nationwide cult of psionics. She develops an unhealthy obsession over Akira.

Lucifer  - The disembodied demon and the 666th prince of hell that, thanks to a disrupted transportation spell, is now missing his physical body and is now acting as Kai's "heart" since the spell also transported his real heart to an unknown location, accidentally turning Kai into a 'vessel'. He is narcissistic, sarcastic and can be at times cruel; continually berating and inflicting pain upon Akira for his pursuit of Rebecca, his 'misuse' of demonic powers for the purposes of good and also, for constantly calling him 'Lucy'. 

Flash Thompson - The young man who bullied Kai in high school, and now goes to the same college. He picks on Kai from time to time, either through verbal or physical abuse. He lacks proper social skills, usually solving problems with brute force. He is cruel to those around him, even towards his 'friends'.

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