Tuesday 14 February 2012

Film Sequence; shots which need to be redone part 01

This is one of the shots from my sequence which will need to be redone; the opening shot in which the camera tilts down to show Kai unconscious on the floor. You will notice that camera jerks slightly to the right. Although a minor detail, reshooting it without the jerk would be the best option, rather than leaving it as it is.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Filming and Editing Update

Due to the actors in my film going away for the New York trip next week, next week's posts will be centred around the editing of my film. The fourth shoot for my film will begin sometime after.

Concepts and Ideas Update 2

For Rebecca's possession scene, I opted to have Emily's hair messy and covering her face; this is intended to be a homage to Kayako Saki and Sadako Yamamura from Ju-On the Grudge and the Ring respectively.

Soundtrack Update 2

This is the piece of music I am planning one using during Rebecca's possesion scene; "Cantata Mortis & God in fire" from the Final Fantasy video game series. This piece has a really intimidating feel to it as with the 'Sixth Demon King Revives' track, especially the first thirty seconds in. I think that this will suit the scene rather well, especially with what I want to convey to the audience in this scene; Akira is never truly safe from Lucifer, not even in his dreams, this scene also demonstrates how much power Lucifer has over Akira.